Now Available!


Thank you for all the excitement and interest in my new novel, Murder at the Boardinghouse. I’m so thrilled to be sharing it with you. Milesker! ❤️

Two Ways to Get My Book!

1.) The Center for Basque Studies Press is hard-at-work printing the novel and is trying their best to keep it in-stock on Amazon. Book sales on Amazon will specifically benefit the Center for Basque Studies— an organization that preserves and elevates Basque culture & history. Txin-Txin to the CBS Press! 😀

2.) I will also be receiving a large, bulk shipment of book copies in the coming weeks to sell and distribute on my website and during book signings. Proceeds from book sales on my website and during in-person book signings will support me, personally, and I am grateful for all the encouragement you’ve shown me, and my writing, over the years. ❤️ Here is a link to my website if you want to reserve your book order:

Milla pott deneri! ❤️


Update: I had several questions about this, so it was suggested that I share this info with you all:… 😀📚❤️

— *All* profits from Amazon sales go to the Center for Basque Studies— towards their academic & cultural endeavors… and to reimburse their typesetting & other setup costs to get my book print-ready. However, net proceeds from sales/preorders on my website & during book signings will be retained by me, personally, as my author portion. So, if you buy my book on Amazon (which is a GREAT way to benefit the Center for Basque Studies 😀), but you *still* want to support me, and my writing, send me a tiny kudos on Venmo or Ko-Fi.



— As a disabled person, I know from personal experience that an ebook can often be a more accessible format for reading. So, if you purchase Murder at the Boardinghouse on my website, but need an additional ebook version for accessibility purposes, I would be happy to provide you with that— at no additional charge.

Further, if an ebook is the only version that is accessible to you (and you wish to forgo a print copy entirely), please contact me directly. I can offer a discounted price for ebooks for disabled readers. ♿️❤️📚

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